WOW - I am so glad that I went to WSSC! This was my first time attending in over 6 years of teaching. I've had conflicts every year until this year, and I finally had my chance to attend. It was sooooo invigorating! I was a cycling fanatic. I tried not to overdo it. I worked hard, but I think that I succeeded in NOT overtraining. I was so tempted to attend the last day of the conference on Sunday, but that would've put me over the limit.
Day 1 - Friday, May 30, 2008My agenda was as follows:
7-8:30AM - Pure & True Endurance: A Level Up
9-10:30AM - Stage Savvy: Becoming a Superior Spinning Instructor
1-2:30PM - Crits: Speed, Power, and Mental Toughness
4:30-5:30PM - Feel the Road: Resistance Loading and Unloading
On Friday morning, I took a 90 minute endurance ride. Later that afternoon, I rode for an hour doing a ride that simulated crits. Finally, that evening, I did a ride simulating various terrains; though the ride was scheduled for an hour, I only did 30 mins.
I also did some shopping in the spinning store and picked up a new (much needed) heart rate monitor, some new cycling shoes (also much needed), and 2 cycling jerseys. The shopping was alot of fun, and I got things that I really needed.
Day 2 - Saturday, May 31, 2008My agenda was as follows:
7-8AM: Face Your Fears
11AM-12PM: Train Like an Ironman
3-4:30PM: Involve the Students
5-6PM: Two by Two
I slightly overslept this ride and was feeling exhausted from the day before. So, I simply observed the early morning session. I knew that I needed to save my energy for the 11-12 "Ironman" ride. I enjoyed a nice breakfast and did some walking around downtown in between sessions. Boy, am I glad I did!! That ride was just AWESOME! We simulated the Ironman bike portion in Lake Placid, NY. I observed my 3-4:30PM session because I wanted to be rested for the 5-6 ride in which my friend and master spinning instructor asked me to ride with her on stage in front of the group. Boy - that was such a RUSH!! I was so pumped up with energy that I could've rode for another hour at the end of the day!
Sunday, June 1We celebrated my brother's 27th birthday and visited some old friends from MD. My brother and I went on a boat tour. It was a nice opportunity for some brother-sister time for us.
It was a great weekend!! I'm a little tired today from the flight, but am looking forward to getting back on track with Alwyn Cosgrove & Mike Russell's Warp Speed Fat Loss program. I wasn't able to eat the way I wanted to while I was at WSSC, so I'm looking forward to getting my routine back in place.
BTW - I am so glad that Anthony C and Jen B came to visit me in cyberspace and gave their new blog addressess. I've missed my kettlebell friends terribly, and I'm glad that we've all been able to reconnect.