
Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry CHRISTmas!!

I ususally reserve my blogging to health & fitness related topics, but I wanted to share 2 gospel songs/videos this Christmas Eve. May you be surrounded by family, friends, love, and find peace this holiday season.

Jessy Dixon: Sanctuary
First, I must post a video of a powerful song that reminds me of my purpose in this lifetime. The words make me thankful that Christ was born and died so that we all may have everlasting life. Merry Christmas to those who are Christ followers, and happy holidays to all. Live each day to the fullest and rejoice for a seat has been prepared for reservation required..but belief must be in your heart...Amen.

Go Tell it on the Mountain
Second, I heard "Go Tell it on the Mountain" in church this evening. It struck a cord so deep, as this was my Grandmother's favorite song. I remember that she gave me this record when I was a young girl (around age 10 or so), and I would listen to it in my room over and over again. Since her passing, I haven't been able to listen to it again, and tonight there it was loud and lovely in church. It reminded me that even though she's been gone 16 years now, she still watches over me and loves me. This is a perfect time since the song announces the birth of Christ - go tell it everywhere...He is born! The video was one that I found on youtube, and I thought it was just beautiful (and none other than the legendary Ms. Mahalia Jackson of course).

Merry Christmas everyone! With love, life, & purpose - Fitgirl-ATX

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

2009 Fitness DVD Library Additions

Of course now that I've returned to becoming active in various fitness community forums, I'm being introduced to new instructors/DVDs that I want to have in my library. I was doing pretty good with purchases until I became "enabled" again :-). Seriously, 2009 has been pretty tame. I've added the following thus far:

Strength Training Workouts
1) Cathe Friedrich: Shock Training System (STS). I completed STS Meso 1 (muscle endurance) in March and am finishing up Meso 2 (hypertrophy) now. I'll do Meso 3 later in 2010. As you know, Cathe is one of my absolute favorite instructors!!

Kettlebell & TRX Workouts:
I have a pretty extensive kettlebell DVD library, so I didn't really add much this year. TRX was new for me this year, so I stocked up on some of their DVDs, and they have all been gems!
1) Franz & Yoanna Sniedman: Revolution Solution: Combining Ropes & Kettlebells for Maximum Fitness & Fat Loss and Quick Results Kettlebell Workout. I was disappointed that these weren't work-along DVDs. As such, I felt they were overpriced (although they were decent workouts).
2) TRX: Ropes & Straps 1, Ropes & Straps 2, TRX Essentials: Strength, TRX Essentials: Flexibility, TRX Performance: Team Sports, TRX Performance: Train Like the Pros --> ALL of these DVDs were incredible! I did find Ropes & Straps 2 a bit too advanced for me. I'm still working up to it :-)

Boxing/Kickboxing Workouts
I re-discovered my love for boxing & kickboxing workouts. It also reminded me that I don't have alot in my DVD collection in those generes. So, I focused on adding more of those workouts to the library. Here's what I've added so far.
1) Michael Olajide: Aerobox, Savage & Serene -> Haven't tried these yet, but I know they'll be awesome. I love Michael Olajide's style and intensity.
2) Tracey Stahele: Cardio Kickbox Challenge (pre-order, will be my first workout of hers)
3) Billy Blanks: I am a huge TaeBo fan, and I always enjoy Billy's workouts. I am planning to add his TaeBo Amped series later this month.
4) Cardio Fight: New on my list is Wally Holms' Cardio Fight series, but I probably won't add it until next year.

High Intensity Workouts
1) Shaun T: Insanity & Insanity Deluxe (someone was selling on my local Craigslist, and I scored the set for $70!!). I also got the 3 deluxe Insanity DVD's. I plan on doing an Insanity rotation in February.
2) Cathe Friedrich: STS Shock Cardio - it just arrived today, and I plan on doing the circuits & boxing workouts through 1Q2010.

Low Intensity workouts
1) Leslie Sansone: Since I'm still forced to do some lower intensity workouts for a few weeks, I picked up a couple of Leslie Sansone DVD's to do in-home walking now that the weather has gotten colder

"Hated-it" Workouts
1) Jari Love: Get Extremely Ripped & Get Extremely Ripped 1000 (sold both..wasn't very enthused about them)

Merry Christmas/Happy birthday to me...from Cathe!

I am so excited!! My STS Shock Cardio is finally here!! I'd completely forgotten about the pre-order, and I happened to get back onto the fitness forums and remembered. That, of course, means I've been anxious about it's release.

I am actually just now finishing up Cathe's STS Meso 2 (hypertrophy). Instead of moving into Meso 3 (Strength), I was planning to focus on full-body circuits for the next 12-16 weeks. I wanted to pair those with higher intensity, shorter cardio workouts starting in mid-January. To that note, Shock Cardio is right on time!! I like the mixture of circuit style, HiiT, and pure cardio workouts in the series. YEAH - thanks, Cathe!!!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Fitness Anywhere (TRX) Holiday Sale

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to let you know that the Fitness Anywhere (TRX) is having a holiday sale. Stock up for the holidays!! Click on the picture below to see the current sales.

Make sure to check out the new downloadable workouts! There is a new performance download featuring Drew Brees.

Fitness Anywhere: Make your body your machine.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Happy holidays everyone!!

Wow - time has just flown by!! There have been/continue to be so many changes on the horizon for my life that I haven't had time to post (obviously). The good news: well, it's all good news!! A few highlights though: I'm still working with my clients and they are getting GREAT results!! I'm so proud of their accomplishments each and every day. One client has lost over 20 pounds; another has lost pounds, inches, and has completely reshaped her body; all clients are making positive steps toward adopting healthier habits in their lives. I am supremely proud of it all!!!

My personal progress: Still having a ton of ups & downs...I'm STILL not where I want to be, but I had to really own up to the fact that I haven't been doing what I know will get results. I haven't been training consistently, I haven't been eating properly or drinking enough, how can I expect change to happen. My energy levels were shot..BUT, I did get a metabolic assessment test done, and, as I suspected, my body is grossly overtrained (and therefore holds on to any and everything that it can get). So, I've been taking it back to basics for the past 7 days, and I feel absolutely GREAT! I've done 3 days of strength training (in a periodized fashion) and done cardio everyday. Due to my exhausted state, cardio is best done low intensity, steady state (which is the biggest challenge for me). I feel great that I am finally down to the bottom of the root of my physical health problems. Over the past few months, my depression/anxiety are in check, stress levels are down, and I'm generally alot happier. I have some exciting career transitions in the works, and, even though it's a bit scary at times, I'm loving the journey.

I hope that you all are doing well and taking care of yourselves and your loved ones. Almost another year has gone by for us...make the most of the last few weeks and enter 2010 with a positive, fresh perspective.

In health & peace!!!