
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Simple Kettlebell Workout

My friend, Kurt, and I had a great workout tonight! I've been teaching him some fundamental kettlebell movements, and tonight we just focused on solidifying those movements through repetition. So....we did a deck of cards workout to reinforce everything.

It's been a while since I've actually done one, and it felt GREAT! We were tired, but we really picked up the pace at the halfway point. It took us about 50 minutes to get through the deck, inclusive of a few points during the workout where I reviewed form & safety.

Here's what we did, and we did each exercise for reps; single handed exercises were done on each side (which was great)! I used the heaviest KB that I could muster with good form for each exercise.

Face cards = 10 reps
Jokers were approx. 1 minute of rest.

Hearts: 2H Swings
Spades: 1H Swings
Clubs: Cleans
Diamonds: Presses
Aces: Set of Walking Lunges (down and back in my hallway)


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