
Saturday, January 08, 2011

Diet Snaps - iPhone Application

I am very big into journaling anything fitness/diet/training related. I have weight training journals from my very first weight lifting class in 1998 - LOL and all of my journals from my competition days.  Anyway, I've been wanting to find an application for my iPhone that will serve as a photo food journal. Sometimes I'm stuck without my paper journal and have been taking a picture of my food at certain meals. Well, the wait is over. I've been using this app for a full week, and it's invaluable to me!  I still use my paper journal (habit I guess), but this photo journal is awesome. 

I wanted to let you all know about an excellent app that I just bought for my iPhone. Typically, I only install FREE apps, but this one was right up my alley. It's a photo journal application, that you can use to take pictures of your meals or whatever else you want for a specific journal entry. You can also add any commentary/notes that you want. I swear by my fitness & nutrition journal and carry it will me all the time. However, there are times when I have taken to snapping pictures of my food when I am without my journal. I've been looking for an application that would allow me to just take a picture, put it on a calendar entry, and record my meal to a calendar or database. Well, I found one, and I am in love!! You can log your food, exercise, water/drinks, snacks, and any other generic jouranl entry that you desire. The application is called dietSNAPS and costs $1.99 on the App Store. Here is the URL for their website:

I still keep my hard copy journal, but this app really makes things easy & convenient. From what I've heard, it doesn't work quite as well with an iPod Touch since the touch doesn't have a built-in camera, but it can still serve as a journal.

Anyway, don't let the name of the application 'dietSNAPS' fool you. Again, you can use it to journal any thing that you want. It's quite convenient, and I thought I'd share.


Anyway, check it out and enjoy!!!

In health,

1 comment:

  1. Are you still using dietSNAPS? Would you be interested in being "spot-lighted" on

