
Thursday, June 01, 2023

I'm Back!!

I have decided to bring back my blogging presence! Although I am still healing from my stroke (which will be a lifelong process), I am more capable of expressing my thoughts and feelings into words and sentences. The more that I practice, the stronger that I will become. I thoroughly enjoyed my blogger space in the past, so I wanted to bring it back.

I can't believe that I'm now 45 years of age. People always said that time will fly by. It most certainly has! I'm so grateful that I spent all of those hours in the gym in my late teens, 20's, 30's, and now in my 40's. I'm still very physically active, although my modalities change as I age. 

I was going back over my blog, and revisiting my past. The two things that were glaringly obvious to me were - over exercising and under eating. Instead of feeling embarrassed, ashamed, or exuding feelings of being somehow less than, I decided to extend grace and love to my younger self. Also, I have gained so much appreciation for my own beauty - at any size or weight. I have been all over the place as far as the scale goes. I recognize now that I was beautiful (and now)! I am thankful for what my body has endured. I am preparing for future struggles, as I know that they will come. However, I am appreciating today because tomorrow is never promised to anyone.

Due to residual effects from my stroke, I have not gone back to teaching spinning or personal training. I am beginning to realize that perhaps I never will. However, I can be an inspiration to others in other ways. I still taking spinning classes (2-3x/week), lifting weights & kettlebells, working around injuries, and, get this, I'm a yogi, y'all! I try to take 4-5 yoga classes each week (slow flow, restorative, and vinyasa flow). Currently, I work out at Equinox gym in the Dallas area. In the past (pre-pandemic), I also enjoyed Flywheel Sports, Orange Theory Fitness classes, Pilates, and swimming/water aerobics. I try to take a new activity during the summer months. 

For the record, "they" were not lying when they said that your body moves differently over 40. Low back pain is no joke, and I have taken pretty good care of this body over the years (over excising aside 😆). I will continue to move and exercise as best I can and enjoy myself! FYI - I completed 2 sewing degrees and still pursue continuing education for my tech life as well.

I'm looking forward to being back and journaling about my fitness goals! 

Love and light to all!!

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