Monday, January 06, 2014

What a way to start the year...

Dag gone it if I am not sick.  When I picked up my dearest from work on Thursday night, I noticed that he was sniffling and had a raspy throat.  I commented that someone must have made him sick at work. Well, low and behold, I woke on Friday to be greeted by an incredibly sore throat, fever, and a wicked cough.  I took the entire day off from work and slept literally the whole day and night.  I woke on Saturday and only felt worse.  I took some Dayquill severe formula and nyquill.  I was starting to get anxious not only for missing my workouts, but because I was scheduled to fly out to a client site for work for the week on Monday.  Yesterday, I still wasn't feeling any better, so I decided to go to the urgent care facility.  As I suspected, I was diagnosed with bronchitis and strep throat.  No flying...

The doctor gave me some cough medicine and an antibiotic.  I started taking the medication last night before bed.  Today, I'm feeling ALOT better.  I'm still taking the doctor's advice and taking today off from work.  I will sleep and rest my body.  Tomorrow, if I'm feeling better, I'll do some light walking on my treadmill to get my body moving. 

I am really tempted to go against my better judgement and try to get some form of workout in today.  The 87 day countdown has me nervous.  But, I would not advise any of my clients to exercise in this condition, so it's probably best to heed my own advice, no matter how much I may want to defy it.

I'll rest up and check in later in the week.

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