Sunday, March 06, 2011

Hands, hands, hands....

So, I'm having a flashback to Jan 5, 2010...when I did high rep snatches with gloves on and got blisters on my hands....Today I looked down at my hand and bam...same picture :-)

Seriously, it's all part of the course. I haven't done 'kettlebell only' training in about a year.  Yes, I've been incorporating a few moves into regular strength workouts or cardio circuits, but as for a full workout consisting only of kettlebells, it's been a minute...I'm using the Skogg System for the next 60-75 days to really get my groove back, so to speak.  I highly recommend it for both new and experienced kettlebell enthusiasts/athletes.  No matter how long you've been training with kettlebells, it never hurts to go back and focus on the fundamentals again. Since you're conceiveably stronger since the first time you picked up a bell, reflecting on your own journey is a good thing.  I for one am always amazed at how I can redefine new limits for myself, even through the fundamental movements, by using a heavier bell and/or increasing time.  I still feel so proud of myself to clean and press my 16kg bell, and even moreso when I do it with my 20kg :-)

Anyway, this week should be another good 'un.  I'm going to continue with the Roots workout for most of the week, at L2, L3, and L4.  I have some travel coming up, so I will only have a few days to get kettlebell based workouts in.

I'll keep you updated....Thanks for reading!

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