
Thursday, November 29, 2007

Thursday, Nov 29 Morning Workout

10:30-11:05AM I was really pressed for time today, so I abbreivated my rest periods during this workout. I rested 30 secs between exercises and 45 secs between rounds (as opposed to 45 secs and 1 min, respectively). It was definitely tough, but I made it through! I did struggle with the one-arm clean & presses, especially on the left hand side. I had to assist myself quite a bit, particularly on the last two rounds. I performed 4 rounds of this circuit. The body of the workout took me 30:46 mins, excluding warmup and stretching.

Here are the details:

ExerciseRound 1Round 2Round 3Round 4
Warm-up2 mins joint mobility drills & stretching
1-Arm KB Clean & Mil Press 1x5 (clean before each press) (35lbs)0:527:3315:0824:16
Assited Pull-up (6 reps)1:558:4616:2325:52
1-Arm KB Windmill, 5 reps/side (26)3:2710:2318:2227:16
Barbell Squat 1x10 (115lbs)4:2911:3820:0228:41
One-arm KB Snatch 1x8/side (35)5:5812:5922:2630:46
Round Rest45 secs45 secs1 min1 min
End Time: 30:46

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Tuesday, Nov 27 Lunchtime Workout

11:30AM-12:30PM Still getting caught up from taking last week off....

Today's lunch time workout is listed below. The body of the workout took me 43:48, excluding warmup & cool down stretching. This was another great workout. I held each front squat in the bottom position for 3 seconds. I felt very strong, and this circuit was easier this time around. The time displayed is the time I completed each exercise. I took 0:45 second breaks between exercises and 1 minute breaks between rounds. Completed 5 rounds of the workout.

ExerciseRound 1Round 2Round 3Round 4Round 5
Warm-up4 mins joint mobility drills & stretching
Double Clean & Mil Press 1x8 (clean before each press) (26lbs)0:409:4917:4426:1135:40
Barbell Bent Over Row 1x8 (65lbs)2:3510:5618:5327:2336:50
Dbl KB Front Squat 1x10 (26)4:1212:3920:5329:32 (1 min break)39:54
Dbl KB Swing 1x12 (26)5:1613:4722:0630:5941:17
Ab Pavelizer Situp 1x15 (4 secs up, 4 secs down)8:0515:5624:3033:4043:48
Round Rest1 min1 min1 min1 min1 min
Stretching - As prescribed by MikeEnd Time: 52:09

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Sunday, Nov 25, 2007 Workout

4:45-5:45PM Today's workout was incredible! I felt very strong and this circuit was much easier this time around. I even made it through the getups :-)I did the workout exactly as prescribed using the weights indicated. I felt great today!!! On top of the world!!

I mostly took 45-second breaks in between each exercise and one-minute breaks at the end of each circuit. The body of the workout took me 45:07, excluding warmup, cool down, and stretching. The table below shows the workout, and the times indicate the end time for each exercise. Keep in mind the 45-second rest in-between exercises, and 1 minute rest at the end of each round.

ExerciseRound 1Round 2Round 3
Warm-up5 mins joint mobility drills
One-arm KB Clean and Push Press 1x7 each side (35lb bell)1:1413:2029:50
One-arm KB Bent-over Row 1x8 each side (44lb bell)2:3414:5031:58
Turkish Get-up 5 reps each side (26)7:4020:38Start: 34:40, End: 41:37
Barbell Deadlift 6 reps 105lbs9:0923:1743:17
One-arm KB Swing 1x10 each side (44)10:3725:3045:07
Round Rest1 min3 mins1 min
Stretching - As prescribed by MikeEnd Time: 54:12

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Saturday, Nov 24

Continuing to focus on cardio....

This evening I did Cardio Coach Vol 2 on the Spinner bike. Got a great sweat going, and I felt my heart getting stronger and more efficient. I'm looking forward to tomorrow!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Monday, Nov 19 - Good Ol' Cardio...a little bit of rowing

Well, today I had a really nice cardio session. I spent 10 mins on the rower. Once I really got my rowing form fixed up, I discovered just how taxing rowing workouts can be :-) I spent 20 mins sweating it out on my spinner bike. All around a great workout!

The following video really helped me nail down my rowing form. Once I followed Josh's advice, boy did I feel the workout! I was rowing all wrong by relying mainly on upper body. Now I'm able to engage my full body, and boy is it tough! I know what all of the hype is about now!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

A Little Relaxation

Well, we met a huge deadline at work (one day early), so I decided to treat myself to a sports massage this afternoon. I had a bit of lower back tension, so the massage was well worth it. Back to workouts tomorrow :-)

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Saturday, Nov 17 Workout

I missed my Friday workout due to aggressive work schedules, so I had to move some things around.

1:30-2:30PM Workout
WU: 10 min joint mobility drills (AOS Firepower WU)

4 Rounds
  • One-arm KB Clean and Mil Press 1x5 each side (35lb bell)
  • Assisted Pull-up 6 reps
  • One-arm KB Windmill 5 reps each side (26)
  • Barbell Squat 10 reps 115lbs
  • One-arm KB Snatch 1x8 each side (35)

    Finsher: Stretching
  • Wednesday, Nov 14

    AM: 20 minute rowing workout (tough stuff!)

    PM: Following circuit of 5 rounds
    Warm-up: 5 min elliptical, 2 rounds 10 OH squats, around the body pass, 10 snatches with 26 lbs
  • Double KB Clean and Mil Press 1x8 (clean before each press) (26)
  • Barbell Bent-over Row 1x8 (60lbs) -- was pretty easy
  • Double KB Front Squat 1x10 (26) - KILLER!!
  • Double KB Swing 1x12 (26)
  • Slow And Controlled Sit-up 1x15 (4 seconds up and 4 seconds down)

    It took me an hour and 10 mins to get through this workout today (excluding cool down and stretching). The Front Squats were killer!
  • Scored a Concept 2 Rower!!

    Gosh how I love and adore Craigslist! I scored a Concept 2 rower for my home gym on Sunday for $300. The previous owner barely used it! I've been wanting to add a Concept 2 to my home gym, but was not willing to spend $900+. I am so psyched!! I have an entire "cardio section" in my home gym now - Life Fitness elliptical, Johnny G Spinner bike, rower. Our home gym is working out great, and we are even picking up clients to train. Alot of fun stuff!! I've been looking for a good deal on a rower for all of this year, and Sunday was my lucky day!

    Monday, Nov 12

    Just did some interval cardio on the elliptical.
    5 min warmup at moderate pace
    15 rounds of 30-sec sprint, 60 sec recovery
    3 min cool down

    felt amazing afterwards!!!

    Saturday, November 10, 2007

    Another great circuit

    3 rounds
    One-arm KB Clean and Push Press 1x7 each side (35lb bell)
    One-arm KB Bent-over Row 1x8 each side (44lb bell)
    Turkish Get-up 5 reps each side (26)
    Barbell Deadlift 6 reps 100lbs
    One-arm KB Swing 1x10 each side (44)

    Took me a while to get through this circuit (about 75 mins!). The get-ups were really challenging for me. LOVED the deadlifts. Push Presses really got my heart rate up; dropped down to 12kg for the last round. Skipped getups on the last round.

    Is that what we have been reduced to?

    I came across the following video on youtube today, and it made me wonder if this is what we have been reduced to when it comes to fitness training??? Must we train in bikinis on the beach doing foo-foo exercises to be deemed marketable? Quite frankly, I was offended and ashamed of the women who agreed to do this. IMO, it really takes a stab at serious kettlebell athletes.

    Despite this foolishness, try to continue to rock on ladies and gentlemen!

    Thursday, November 08, 2007

    Super Energy Crash

    Man oh man...I woke up with a sore throat and stuffy nose. My eating today was horrible in the sense that I did very little of it. That being the case, I have no earthly idea what possessed me to try to fit in a lunch time KB circuit workout on an empty stomach! I did one round of a 4-round circuit and was wiped out! I decided to put it on hold, fuel up, and try again later tonight.

    The weather was lovely, so I just took a 45-minute walk outside, enjoying the scenery. I am definitely feeling better with food in my system. I'm going to try to tackle my program again.

    4 rounds for time....
    * 1-arm kb clean & military press @ 5 reps/side, 16kg
    * Assisted pull-ups @ 6 reps
    * 1-arm kb windmill @ 5 reps/side, 12kg
    * BB Squat @ 115lbs
    * 1-arm KB Snatch @ 5 reps/side, 16kg

    Wednesday, November 07, 2007

    Training with Mike Mahler

    I've decided to start training with Mike Mahler during my off-season. We are working on conditioning, fat loss, and muscular endurance. We have alot of great things planned, and I start the 3-month journey this week! Cheers!

    This evening, instead of working out, I spent some QT with my DSO. We have been really enjoying each other's company lately, spending alot of time talking and just appreciating one another. Being in love is good stuff, especially when you know you're with the right person!

    Tuesday, Nov 6

    PM: 30 mins cardio (10 mins elliptical wearing 10lb weight vest; 20 mins step, 5 mins with weight vest).

    Monday, November 05, 2007

    Monday, Nov 5 Workout

    AM: 22 mins elliptical - got a really good sweat going. I've missed using my elliptical trainer regularly.

    Saturday, November 03, 2007

    Sunday's WOD

    Well, I was inspired to create my own workout of the day - a little bit of Crossfit, AoS, and lots o' fitness forums this week :-). Here goes....bring on the pain....

    Warm-Up: Joint mobility drills, 15 mins elliptical), light stretching

    For time.......
    20 Pushups
    20 DB Thrusters (use 20lb dumbells)
    10 Band-assisted pull-ups
    20 Double Swings @ 12kg
    20 Snatches @ 12kg (10R, 10L)
    20 alt "dip & switch" cleans (use 15lb dumbells)
    20 Dbl Static Rows @ 12kg
    10 burpees
    10 deck squats @ 12kg
    10 Band-assited pull-ups

    The entire workout took me 14:24.

    Cool Down: Stretch

    This was a challenging workout. Thrusters always wind me! I actually only did 10 DB thrusters, 4x20lbs and 6x15lbs. I also modified the deck squats.