Saturday, November 03, 2007

Sunday's WOD

Well, I was inspired to create my own workout of the day - a little bit of Crossfit, AoS, and lots o' fitness forums this week :-). Here goes....bring on the pain....

Warm-Up: Joint mobility drills, 15 mins elliptical), light stretching

For time.......
20 Pushups
20 DB Thrusters (use 20lb dumbells)
10 Band-assisted pull-ups
20 Double Swings @ 12kg
20 Snatches @ 12kg (10R, 10L)
20 alt "dip & switch" cleans (use 15lb dumbells)
20 Dbl Static Rows @ 12kg
10 burpees
10 deck squats @ 12kg
10 Band-assited pull-ups

The entire workout took me 14:24.

Cool Down: Stretch

This was a challenging workout. Thrusters always wind me! I actually only did 10 DB thrusters, 4x20lbs and 6x15lbs. I also modified the deck squats.

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