Sunday, April 24, 2011

Day 21: Happy Easter!!! (took day off)

Today was a good day.  Started it off with church and then came home to get ready for the gym delivery.  I took time to make phone calls to friends and family (which is meaningful as I don't enjoy talking on the phone).  I also decided to cook Easter dinner at the last minute. I hadn't planned on it at all, but it didn't feel like Easter without having Easter dinner.  As a result, I'm giving myself a full day off from my eating plan to enjoy the foods that I will prepare for dinner.  I'll keep it reasonable, but I do plan to have some ice cream for dessert. 

ETA: the gym delivery was cancelled due to heavy rain & winds...Dinner turned out well, and there are leftovers (none of which I'll be enjoying).  I had my ice cream for dessert, and made a banana pudding as well. I only tasted the pudding, as I didn't want to go overboard.  The rest will be taken to work tomorrow for office treats :-)  Whenever I get an urge to bake treats, I just send them to the office the next day by way of my bf. 

Anyway, tomorrow will mark me getting back on track. My hands have healed enough to probably do some short KB workouts, and I'm going to try to get motivated to do more cardio this week. Last week, I was bogged down emotionally with other things and there were many days where my schedule was just packed. I can't wait for my days to become more predictable. It makes sticking to a schedule alot easier.

Hope everyone had a happy Easter!!

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